Frequently Asked Questions

Are covers washable?

Sofa Sacks are spot clean only as they are direct fill products. If you would like to purchase additional covers those are available in our accessories section and we offer very competitive prices for new covers.

How fast do Sofa Sacks ship?

Most orders ship out same day but could take up to one to two business days. Due to the weight of these products shipping time usually takes 1-5 days to arrive with UPS Ground.

Do you have a return policy?

You have 30 days to return your Sofa Sack if you are not satisfied. You are responsible for return shipping arrangements and cost.

What is the Sofa Sack Warranty?

Sofa Sacks have a 1 year warranty which covers the cover against any manufacturing defects. Please contact us for a warranty claim and we will get you taken care of. Note the warranty does not cover damage due to misuse or pet damage.

What locations do you ship?

Due to the size/weight of the products we are only able to ship to the contiguous 48 states (excludes Hawaii/Alaska) Our products are very large/heavy and can only ship via UPS Ground.

Can I buy and resell your products?

Unless you are an authorized reseller of our products, you may not resell Sofa Sack products as new warrantied products. If you purchase a Sofa Sack and resell the product, the product is considered a used product and must be sold as a used product. To reduce fraud we limit customers to only two orders using different ship to addresses.

Can I get my Sofa Sack by Christmas?

Order by the date shown for your location to guarantee Christmas delivery.

December 15th

December 16th

December 17th

December 18th

December 19th

Order by the dates and time shown, and we'll make sure your Sofa Sack is there by Christmas! Delivery info is based upon delivery dates supplied to us by Fedex. Sofa Sacks is not responsible for delays due to weather or Fedex.

FedEx Shipping Dates